It's easy!  Just follow these simple steps… Please pay special attention to the red text in steps 7-9.


Step 1: Click the "Register/Login" button below:


 Register or Login

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here.


Step 2: Click "Create Account".



Step 3: Enter your name, email address, and password and click "Verify my Email".



Step 4: Find the Membership Toolkit-generated email and click "Verify my email".



Step 5: Enter your password to complete the verification process.



Step 6: Click on "Family Information".



Step 7: Enter in your information, which will be used to populate our online directory.


For the first question, "How are you connected to the school", please choose "Faculty and Parent" regardless of whether you have any children attending Fairview.


Step 8: You may enter a second parent, who you can designate to co-manage the account.


Step 9: Click "Add Student".


Please add yourself as a student.  In other words, you should be entered two times, once as parent and once as student.  When entering yourself as student, please select the following options:


Grade: Faculty

Classroom Teacher: Faculty - Lounge (100)


Step 10: On this screen you can also add another student or remove a former student.



Step 11: Here you can select to have none or some of your information published.



Step 12: Here you give your consent to have your student's image and info published.



So that's it?


Yep, that's it!  You're now ready to explore all the features our Membership Toolkit site has to offer. 


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